Notice to smartphone users

As of February 20, 2024, this site will no longer support viewing on smartphones. You will be instructed to use a computer or server.

This site is best viewed on any desktop web browser, and through your Gopher client

Smartphones are the new (but obviously worse) dumbphones
~Izuru Yakumo, 2024

Please see the "STOP!! Smartphone" campaign for the reason

Thank you for your understanding


Here is a list of other servers whose administrators are acquaintances and friends of Izuru Yakumo, who also host services as well.

Server name Run by
076 TechnicalSuwako
13f0 shokara
Berserker Town Thor
Chaox Ty3r0x
Cute and Funny CK
Deep Sky Gate Habafugu
Eientei iamtakingiteasy
exozyme (unknown)1
Gianmarco’s Suite Gianmarco
Kallist Society Texhnolyzers Kyle Czar
Macaw blue
Mima’s World Mima qugalet Nishi
Outernational Project adiz
PatchySICP Samson Smith, egor
Princess Wedding Daya Mitsuki
raccoon’s quest dushman, raccoon
Tengu Space devious
~green Ben Harris, ComputerTech, g1n, jmjl, worm
~pink Saint Tuesday aka Mr. Twohands aka Mr. Tomorrow aka tiwesdaeg
RadioactiveTech wael
youjo.love2 Fox, Chizu

  1. I don’t know who runs exozyme, I only know that VnPower is a member
  2. Domain was suspended by its registrar, but it is accessible through usage of our DNS service.

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