Notice to smartphone users

As of February 20, 2024, this site will no longer support viewing on smartphones. You will be instructed to use a computer or server.

This site is best viewed on any desktop web browser, and through your Gopher client

Smartphones are the new (but obviously worse) dumbphones
~Izuru Yakumo, 2024

Please see the "STOP!! Smartphone" campaign for the reason

Thank you for your understanding

This was a box barely maintained beyond a Minecraft server, which is hosted on the boundary between two somewhat conflicting but coexisting worlds, for the time span of over two years… until Izuru Yakumo (then going by another nickname) was granted access by the sole dictator of the Kallist Society Texhnolyzers, by the end of March 2023.

It kept running Arch Linux until it was migrated to FreeBSD in September of that year, in hopes of having more stability, and a break from the unbearable madness that Linux systems are.

Around the same month, the very same evil spirit arrived and became an active member, later promoted to be an administrator in December 8.

Nowadays, thanks to both of them, this server has gained quite a bit of popularity around, reuniting people from around the world, both Touhou fans and otherwise, alike.


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